“We support military veterans struggling to adjust to civilian life; we want all veterans to live great lives, filled with passion, purpose, social connection, service and growth.”

In the UK, military veterans and their families account for 5% of the general population. There are an estimated 2.5 million veterans living in the United Kingdom. For some veterans a return to civilian life can be a joyous experience, however for others it can be an experience fraught with transitional difficulties that are multiple and complex in nature. With so many veterans support organisations, groups, charities and providers operating in the same area it is no surprise to hear that veterans struggle to navigate, connect and engage with professional support in a timely manner. Far to often, unregulated providers ‘muddy the water’ by replicating and duplicating services causing confusion, disconnection and anxiety for those seeking help. We aim to provide a safe place where all veterans can feel physically and psychologically supported, respected and welcome. Any veterans accessing our services will be signposted to the most appropriate service so that they can receive timely, high quality, personalised, safe, effective and equitable support, irrespective of geography, gender, race, age, culture or sexual orientation. Our promise to you … ‘we will simplify the chaos!’  

“If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”  — Goethe

Based in the North East of England, but with a geographical footprint across the UK. Forward Assist has moved the professional practice dial forward and developed unique services that foster Post Traumatic Growth. If needed Forward Assist, in collaboration with a host of multi-disciplinary partners can help you access bespoke support to address key issues such as unemployment, homelessness, involvement in the CJS, family breakdown and/or chronic social exclusion.

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