Army urged to do more after female veterans tell of sex assaults while on duty

Army urged to do more after female veterans tell of sex assaults while on duty

n Armed Services veterans’ charity is urging the Government to do more to protect female soldiers after a survey found more than half of women who had served in the RAF, Army or Navy were sexually assaulted.

Forward Assist, an organisation based in the North East of England, conducted a series of interviews with 100 female veterans expecting to find the greatest challenge they faced in civilian life was overcoming post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following recent conflicts.

Instead, they discovered 52 out of 100…

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Pearson Engineering CSR Policy Helps Veterans Wake Up & Smell The Coffee!

Veterans’ charity Forward Assist has transformed a Land Rover into a mobile coffee truck to help former service personnel gain new skills.

 The Land Rover 101, which served in the Falklands, was in need of some modifications as staff were having trouble getting in and out of the vehicle with ease.

 Engineers from Pearson were happy to lend a hand and fitted two steps to the driver and passenger sides, two handles and two new spray flaps.

 As a thank you, ‘Barista Bob’ and the Salute Coffee Trust treated the shop floor staff to coffee and biscuits.


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Bespoke 'Confronting Conflict’ Training Commissioned For Women Veterans

Forward Assist were delighted to commission Leap Confronting Conflict organisation to design a bespoke project for Women Veterans. The two day group work course was delivered at the Forward Assist HQ in early2019.

Eight women participants attended and completed the workshop. All eight participants who completed the course filled in the evaluation form which contained the following learning outcomes: ▪ Gained an understanding of personal relationship with conflict. ▪ Explore the difference between a reaction and response. ▪ Identified the layers underneath anger. ▪ A greater understanding of patterns of behaviour around conflict. ▪ Practiced a tool for communicating effectively in conflict. ▪ Developed self-care strategies.

We hope to design and develop more ‘gender specific’ interventions for women veterans in the coming months utilising the skills and expertise of a host of others through effective working collaboratives.

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MOD Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award For Forward Assist 2018

Forward Assist are delighted that the work of the team was recognised via an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons:

Motion text

“That this House warmly salutes the North Tyneside-based Forward Assist veterans' charity on winning the Gold Award under the Ministry of Defence's Employer Recognition Scheme, which is the highest badge of honour for those that employ and support veterans and their families; believes that this honour is a fitting tribute to its staff and volunteers who do sterling work in winning support from the wider community in the North East for their efforts to support veterans who have made such a major contribution to their country's security; and wishes Forward Assist the very best in its future endeavours to engage veterans in community projects that utilise their valuable transferrable skills, and create life-changing employment, volunteering, education and training opportunities that reduce social isolation and promote their physical and mental wellbeing.”

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