Labour 'Friend of The Forces' Invite 'Salute Her' To Talk About Women Veterans

Labour Friends of the Forces and Forward Assist talk about Women Veterans

Join Labour Friends of the Forces on Wednesday 31st March at 6.30pm to discuss the findings of No Man’s Land the report written by forces charity Forward Assist.

Report’s author, Paula Edwards, along with Wing Commander (Retired) Dr. Sophy Antrobus talk about the particular needs of women veterans, and the experiences of women while serving in the Armed Forces.

Sign up to the Event Here:

No Man's Land - with Forward Assist: 31st March 2021 - Labour Friends of the Forces (


Starting Monday... Virtual Happiness: Women Veterans Health & Wellbeing Sessions

Team Salute Her are delighted to be working in partnership with James Garrity Fitness to deliver a virtual 28 Day Mind - Body - Soul Virtual Body Transformation Course for isolated women veterans. Starts Monday 15th February 2021.

Fitness can significantly benefit the mind, as it increases blood flow and releases “happy” chemicals that help you to feel better emotionally.  When you exercise, neurotransmitters called endorphins are released in the brain and provide a sense of well-being and happiness that can last for hours. Another way that fitness helps the mind is that it relieves built up stress.  As you go through your day to day activities, anxiety and stress can affect you mentally and physically.  Chronic stress can cause physical and mental problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and depression.


Forward Assist CEO Interviewed on Veterans Talks!

Earlier this month, CEO Tony Wright was interviewed by the Veteran Talks team.

“ I was delighted to be asked to speak on this superb veteran led initiative, how often does one get asked to describe a 12 year journey and it was an honour to share my experiences and observations in a frank and open discourse. Keep up the great work guys!”

You can watch the video here:


The UK Government/MOD Should Recognise Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

We are campaigning for change. The Government and Ministry of Defence do not currently recognise the term ‘Military Sexual Trauma’ (MST) and as a result there are no ‘gender specific’ trauma informed services specialising in MST. The negative impact of such experiences can be devastating and last a life time without timely specialist support during and after service.

In response, we have lodged a Parliamentary Petition with the UK Government and it has now gone live. You can sign the Petition here:

We call on the Government to take responsibility and action to provide 'gender specific' trauma informed, confidential and independent specialist interventions/support for survivors of MST. The UK Government & (Ministry of Defence) should, like our international partners adopt the term Military Sexual Trauma (MST) as a stand-alone and recognisable enduring traumatic experience that affects men but disproportionately women service personnel, during and after military service”.

Forward Assist are actively campaigning for equitable mental health support services & post service employment opportunities for women.

Forward Assist recognise that women veterans are a hidden, marginalised, frequently ignored & forgotten population. We have been actively campaigning for equitable mental health support services for those traumatised by war, sexual assault and harassment.

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Have you registered for Amazon Smile?

It is really easy to support Forward Assist even while you shop.

Every time your order through Amazon Smile, they will make a donation to us.

  • Go to:

  • Log in using your normal Amazon log in.

  • Select Forward Assist Limited

  • Shop as normal, and we will receive a donation from Amazon.

It really is that simple, you can support us without any extra cost to yourself.

Click here to get set up:

Covid -19 Advice & Guidance 'Stay Safe'

As people across the country start to be vaccinated, now is not the time to break the rules, please follow the guidance and let’s keep each other safe.

If you attend work, remember to:

  • Maintain 2m social distance

  • Frequently wash your hands throughout the day

  • Meet virtually wherever possible

  • Clean desks and work surfaces before and after use

  • Notify your manager, self-isolate and arrange a test if you show any symptoms

  • Observe all the working arrangements relevant to your job role.

Veteran Friendly Dentists... Why We Need Them!

If there’s one thing the recent lockdowns have taught us in never take the NHS or Dentistry for granted. Several Veterans on our caseload have had to self medicate in the absence of instant access to dental care and we received anecdotal evidence that one was so desperate he removed his own tooth, which raised additional health and hygiene concerns. In the North East we are very lucky to have a Dental Training Hospital in the City Centre which provides emergency treatment at no cost for those in need. Its proved to be invaluable for many.

The excellent ‘Veteran Friendly’ GP scheme has proved to be extremely helpful in reminding veterans of the importance of registering with a GP practice but also in connecting them with the plethora of Veteran Support groups that now exist in many areas. We at Forward Assist & Salute Her UK are promoting the idea that both NHS Dentists and the Private Dental Sector join the scheme with particular consideration given to the needs of women who have been traumatised by sexual assault. If you are interested in supporting us in this endeavour please get in touch at:

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Veterans Collaborative UK

Forward Assist & Salute Her Are Delighted To Partner With ‘Forces in The Community’ & ‘Veterans Contact Point’ To Establish ‘The Veterans Collaborative UK’

Vision Statement
The Veterans Collaborative UK aims to build fully integrated partnerships with military charities and community based organisations in support of UK Military Veterans and their families.

Mission Statement
Veterans Collaborative UK is a strong voice created to advocate for a holistic, compassionate continuum of services, treatment and care for our service members, veterans, families, care givers and care providers. We provide a forum to share information and education, raise awareness, focus outreach and promote strategic partnerships that will streamline and improve access to entitlements, benefits and health and wellbeing services.

The Development of a veteran specific ‘Accelerated Access Collaborative’ could bridge the gap for those veterans that have fallen through the gap of the welfare safety net.


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Veterans Mental & Physical Health: The Importance of a Healthy Nutritious Diet

Bob Wilson, Forward Assist volunteer and Royal Artillery Veteran served fifteen years in the military and was involved in seven tours of Northern Ireland. Bob 70, suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and lives on his own. He has embraced the healthy living skills he acquired on two of our Health & Wellbeing veteran retreats and was a keen participant on the healthy eating and cookery classes designed by Team Forward Assist. In September 2019, Bob decided he would make significant changes to his lifestyle. On the advice of our Occupational Therapist he stopped eating fried food and white bread and bought a pressure cooker with which to cook all his meals. 

Under the guidance of his GP and a dietician, Bob who was 21 stone, now weighs in at a healthy 12 stone. His blood pressure has normalised and he is now able to take his companion dog for long walks. This has made a huge difference to Bob’s health and mental wellbeing as he is no longer breathless and he no longer needs breathing apparatus for sleep apnoea. Outstanding Bob, well done you!


“Attending the healthy eating course taught me how to cook better and make healthier meals. I now enjoy cooking and enjoy experimenting with new recipes. Because of the healthy eating course I now know what not to eat and how to replace un-healthy food with a healthier alternative.  The course also gave me a purpose to get out of the house and meet new people.”

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Centre For Social Justice Award Winners Video

Its six years since we won the Centre for Social Justice Award in 2015. Since that time we have remained true to our core values and continued to develop services that are ‘needs led’ and ‘person centred’.

We are particularly proud of our ground-breaking work developing gender specific support services for women veterans.

You can watch the video here :


'Salute Her' Women Veterans Task Force Campaign For Women Veteran Statue

Team Forward Assist in collaboration with the ‘Salute Her’ Women Veteran Task Force are campaigning for a statue that celebrates and reflects the service, sacrifice of women veterans past and present. (Including all those women from minority groups such as the BAME and LGBT community.)

After receiving a message from a Woman veteran asking why all statues in London only depict men or symbolic representations of of female WW2 Veterans, our Patron Mary Glindon MP wrote to Johnny Mercer MP to see if he would support such a campaign. See his response below:

Disappointing, but the campaign goes on….


The Importance of Sleep & Mental Wellbeing

Team Forward Assist are delighted to be partnering with fellow Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship recipient Charlie Morley in 2021. Charlie Morley has over 10 years’ experience in the field of sleep, dreams & mindfulness and has authored three bestselling books on the subject.

He is the lead facilitator and co-creator of Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep.

Although best known as an authorised teacher of lucid dreaming within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition he has been teaching on veteran’s mindfulness retreats since 2016 and has presented his work at the Ministry of Defence Mindfulness Symposium and the Defence Buddhist Conference.

In 2018 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship grant to research “Mindfulness Based PTSD Treatment in Veterans” and continues to teach sleep & dream practices to armed forces veterans and civilians with Stress or Trauma Affected Sleep Patterns.

You can find out more about Charlies ground breaking work ‘Beyond mindfulness: Best practice for Veterans with PTSD’ by watching this fantastic video which captures his travels in Canada and the USA.



We’re Hiring

Thanks to funding from the National Health Service (NHS) and the Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund we will be recruiting up to eight professionally qualified staff in 2021 to develop and support innovative ‘gender specific’ interventions for veterans and their families. We will continue to develop comprehensive assessments that address individual and family needs. Through care coordination and integrated care pathways we will facilitate direct linkage to treatment services for Post Traumatic Stress (PTS),Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Moral Injury and Military Sexual Trauma . Our ‘Healthy Relationships’ workshops and ‘Citizenship Reloaded’ programme will offer a ‘best in class’ approach to supporting families who may be experiencing relational stressors following adjustment to civilian life and/or the difficulties faced during the C-19 pandemic.


The 12 Suits of Christmas!

Forward Assist and Salute Her are delighted to have partnered with ‘Suitability NE’ to give twelve unemployed, male and female veterans the best chance possible chance of finding work in 2021. The twelve lucky veterans will be given a voucher which will enable them to access a free suit, shoes, shirt and tie to improve employment chances next year. The package of support will also include one to one confidence building sessions , a free haircut from veteran owned barbers ‘The Mane Man’ in Dudley and mock interview training from one of our business partners. You can find out more about Suitability at :


Forward Assist's Gender Specific 'Veterans Retreats' Back In 2021

We are delighted to report that the Forward Assist Veteran Retreats will be back in 2021. Richard Skerritt has kindly agreed that we can use his property in France, in March 2021 for the Women Only Veterans Retreat. The male Veteran Retreat will once again take place in September.

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Judo Jack...Awarded His 10th Dan Black Belt Aged 97 Years.

Our wisest and oldest veteran Jack Hearn has been awarded his 10th Dan black belt in Judo aged 97 years young. Jack is a regular visitor at the Forward Assist HQ and spent his 96th birthday with the charity at our annual veterans retreat in France. Jack epitomises our belief that a life lived well is one lived in the service of others. During the lockdown, keep fit and healthy eating guru Jack has kept in touch with the team and received a fruit hamper for Christmas from a local firm who were in awe of his life long achievements and can do attitude. Read about his remarkable life here: Cramlington's 'Judo' Jack Hearn, 97, gets his 10th Dan black belt and maybe a world record - Chronicle Live


Chi Onwurah MP Mentions Forward Assist In Parliament on Armistice Day 2020

We were delighted that Chi Onwurah MP took the time to mention Forward Assist on 11th November 2020. Forward Assist’s virtual support service came into being in March during the first national lockdown. Since that time, the uptake of veterans accessing ‘one to one’ confidential advice and support has quadrupled with veterans accessing support from as far afield as Holland, France and Germany. Forward Assist are seeking funding to expand this much needed service. See video link:

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'Salute Her UK' Mentioned In Parliament by Sarah Atherton MP

On 3rd November in House of Commons, Patron Sarah Atherton MP kindly talked of the ground breaking work of Forward Assist and Salute Her UK. You can watch the clip here: We look forward to meeting up with Sarah in 2021. (Covid-19 Permitting )

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