Forward Assist Set To Investigate Male Sexual Trauma During Military Service.

In partnership with ‘Baseline Research’ Forward Assist are delighted to be facilitating an ethnographic research inquiry into the impact ‘Military Sexual Trauma’ has on male service personnel during and after service. Read more here: ……… download pdf


Paula Edwards: Salute Her Project Lead & Mental Health Therapist Finalist in 'Soldering On Awards’ 2020

Paula Edwards was delighted to be shortlisted as a finalist in the Soldiering on Awards 2020. Paula was recognised for her outstanding work supporting veterans with mental health issues access benefits and entitlements. Paula’s holistic approach to trauma informed care and support has enabled many isolated and lonely veterans access engage with mainstream services transforming their lives in the process. Everyone at Forward Assist was delighted to see her work recognised in this prestigious award ceremony.


Leading From The Kitchen

The importance of a healthy nutritious diet is often overlooked by military veterans. Forward Assist CEO Tony Wright writes about the need for diet to be taken seriously by veterans and service charities.

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Forward Assist Share Salute Her 'No Man's Land' Ethnographic Research with International Partners

Tony Wright and Paula Edwards were delighted to be invited to share the findings of their ground breaking ‘No Man’s land’ ethnographic research report with others from USA, New Zealand, Australia Canada and the UK. Links to the webinar and slideshow can be accessed here:

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Forward Assist: Awarded The Queens Award For Voluntary Service 2020

Team Forward Assist and its army of volunteers were delighted to be awarded the Queens Award For Voluntary Service in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the community. Forward Assist actively encourage military veterans to be of service to others when their military service comes to an ends. The award is the organisational equivalent of an MBE and everyone connected to the charity couldn’t be more proud to receive this prestigious award. Susan Winfield, Lord-Lieutenant, commented:

“I am delighted that Forward Assist have been honoured with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2020, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.  This organisation is a nationally recognised charity for military veterans and whose local activities have been showcased as far afield as the USA.  My warmest congratulations to all those who have played a part in achieving this honour.”

 Forward Assist Patron, Mary Glindon MP said:

“This is a richly deserved
tribute to years of hard work by Forward Assist in one of the
country’s main military recruitment regions. Those who have served our
country so well deserve support in civvy street, which is sometimes
very difficult for them.”


The Potential Impact of Veteran Suicide During the C-19 Pandemic & Lockdown.

Our CEO Tony Wright and Paula Edwards ‘Salute Her’ women veterans lead, share their thoughts on the potential psychological impact on veterans and their families during an extended C-19 ‘lockdown’ during 2020.

Read the article here:

Part One: download pdf part one

Part Two: download pdf part two


Forward Assist CEO Awarded Prime Ministers 'Points of Light’ Award 2020

Amidst a global pandemic, the Forward Assist Trustees and Staff were delighted to see CEO Tony Wright was awarded the Prime Ministers Points of Light award for his sterling efforts supporting military veterans over the last decade.

“Its a great honour to be recognised in this way but in reality its a team effort and a reflection of the outstanding effort and commitment of our fabulous staff, veteran volunteers and supporters. Thank you”

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Forward Assist & Salute Her Move To Virtual Support Services During The C-19 Pandemic

On 14th Match 2020 we decided to close down all our face to face community based projects in order to protect veterans and staff members. This included all centre based activities including Salute Café and all bookings for the Salute Coffee Truck. Individual virtual support will be delivered on a weekly basis and appointments can be made with our qualified mental health therapist by emailing

Stay safe


WCMT Activate Award Winner Tony Wright: Supporting Women Veterans Into Civilian Life

Veterans champion Tony Wright has been given a grant from the Activate Fund to develop a gender specific charity and dedicated support service, for women veterans transitioning back to civilian life. The grant will allow him to champion the rights of women veterans by creating a dedicated women-only charity aiming to raise awareness of the long term impact caused by service-related trauma. He will also develop practical information and training materials and share these with other services and organisations. Finally, Tony is planning an international women veterans conference to showcase best practice from around the world.

"The Activate Fund will allow us to open up a new front in gender specific support and we look forward to recognising and celebrating the contribution of women service personnel, past and present" - Tony Wright     

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Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas....2019

The Salute Café Veterans Cook2Give Team served over 200 Christmas Dinners this year for both veterans and members of the local community. Team ‘Salute Her’ coordinated the annual ‘Christmas Hamper’ food collections and deliveries. Veterans and their families benefitted from a huge donation of toys which were distributed far and wide including Veterans subject to Community Rehabilitation Orders. As always it was a joy to open Salute Café on Christmas Day and cook Christmas Dinner for over 60 individuals that would normally have spent Christmas day on their own. Each diner received a Christmas present and the Forward Assist mini-bus was put to good use transporting people to and from the venue. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and supporters for making this life affirming event happen. Merry Christmas Everyone!


Forward Assist 'Family Work' Funded By The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust

Team Forward Assist & Salute Her are delighted to receive funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust to design bespoke interventions for veterans and their families in the North East of England. Forward Assist’s team of Social Work, Mental Health and Occupational Therapists will adopt a ‘Think Family’ approach to service delivery. The bespoke support model will incorporate the Charity’s ‘Citizenship Reloaded’ group work programme.


Remembrance Sunday Service 2019

Forward Assist will be attending the Remembrance Service at The White Swan Centre on the 10th November 2019. We will be happy to collect any veterans with mobility problems or no transportation in our wheelchair accessible minibus.

If you would like to join us please contact us on 0191 2504877 or email


Veterans British Parliamentary Debate Training Project Funded By Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust

Forward Assist are delighted to receive two years funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust ‘Positive Pathways Programme to train women veterans in the art of British Parliamentary Debate. The project will also include a collaboration with Professor Steve Peters ‘Chimp Management’ Team who deliver training to help people understand his The Chimp Paradox Model.

Steve and his experienced team of doctors and psychologists specialise in helping others be the best they can be and achieve psychological well-being.

Part of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, the Positive Pathways programme funded projects aims to develop and run activities supporting the mental health and wellbeing of former service personnel

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The Importance of Nutrition for Veterans

Common mental health conditions experienced in the veteran community include include anxiety, depression, PTSD and adjustment disorder. This combined with the sometimes poor cooking skills prevalent in veterans due to military culture providing cooked meals in the mess, can often lead to reduced motivation, poor diet and mood swings.

Forward Assist has recently piloted a ‘Healthy Eating’ group led by a qualified Occupational Therapist focusing on developing:

  • cooking skills

  • planning and preparing nutritional meals

  • meal planning and budgeting

This has ensured that veterans are able to make the best nutritional choices for themselves to maintain and regain their health. The impact of diet and exercise on emotional and physical well-being has been well documented however, veteran specific initiatives and research are lacking. One veteran has gained a lot from the pilot and has used the knowledge and skills to continue his healthy lifestyle and lose 5 stone since March 2019.

We want to continue this project and look at the inclusion of spouses and families to ensure a holistic, healthy lifestyle for veterans and their families.


Book Launch

Tony Wright, CEO, has recently had an article entitled Saints and Sinners: UK Veterans in the Criminal Justice System, published in The Monument Fellowships’s Crime and Consequence -what should happen to people who commit offences?

Koestler Arts have kindly made the book available for physical sale at £10 - available from the 6th November.


Tony Wright shortlisted for English Veteran's Award


In September 2019, Tony Wright CEO was shortlisted for the English Veteran awards. Each year veterans who have gone above and beyond and excelled in their relevant fields. Tony states: -

I was delighted to be nominated for this award and to be placed in such high esteem by other successful veterans. I look forward to working with these people in the future.

Salute Her Women Veteran's Ethnographic Research Project

A copy of the groundbreaking ‘No Mans Land’ research document can be downloaded at


If you would like to discuss any aspect of this research or access help with any of the issues raised please contact the Salute Her team via