Women Veterans Seeking Support Quadruples During Pandemic!

We were delighted to meet Deborah Johnson earlier this week from NR Times https://www.nrtimes.co.uk/ and talk with her about our groundbreaking work with women veterans. Moral Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and the long term physical and psychological impact of Military Sexual Trauma. You can read the full article by following this link: https://t.co/g3CsWxQ7uL


Women Veterans Only: Six Week Online Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep Course

Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, we have collaborated with Charlie Morley to deliver a series of six week online courses for veterans struggling to cope with the harmful effects that stress and trauma can have on the amount of time we spend asleep. Courses will be delivered over the coming year and the first course will be for women veterans only and runs from 13th May to 17th June. If you would like to register for this course please email Paula Edwards at paula@forward-assist.com

See Poster below for more details:

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Exploring Moral Injury In Social Work & The Impact of Military Sexual Trauma.

We were delighted to be invited by Siobahn Maclean and the Social Work Student Connect Team to take part in a unique webinar exploring Moral Injury in Social Work. We shared the research findings from the Salute Her ‘No Man’s Land’ ethnographic research report to highlight the under reported connection between Military Sexual Trauma, Moral Injury and Post Traumatic Stress. As a service charity that believes Social Workers should be the lead profession to oversee care planning and care coordination for veterans and their families, it was an honour to share and showcase our work the Social Workers of the future. Thank you all for the warm welcome and kind comments, its appreciated.

You can watch the webinar here: https://youtu.be/uQdkeRXWcRs e

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Veterans: Free Legal Advice From David Gray Solicitors

We are delighted to report that David Gray Solicitors https://www.davidgray.co.uk/ in partnership with Forward Assist are offering military veterans the opportunity to access free, independent legal advice via digital appointments.

You will be able to talk to an experienced lawyer or solicitor to discuss matters relating to subjects matters such as the Criminal Justice System, Mental Health, Family Law or Immigration Law. Appointments can only be booked through Forward Assist and if interested we ask that you contact Paula Edwards in the first instance: Email: paula@forward-assist.com


Family Life and the Armed Forces Community Evaluation

Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust we have been really busy providing digital support to military families during the C-19 lockdown.

Forward Assist is a charity that helps Veterans to reintegrate into civilian life and provides services to assist them in building the capacity and skills to access employment. The services offered by Forward Assist include support, advice and guidance, and advocacy services. The organisation also runs projects intended to reduce social isolation and loneliness and to support Veterans and their families by improving their health and wellbeing. Forward Assist runs the Citizenship Reloaded programme, which provides an eight-week Veteran-specific course to facilitate the transition to civilian life. The programme includes interactive group sessions with experienced social workers and mental health professionals who can provide support and advice for the families.

The Family First project was in its early stages at the time of writing (December 2020); however, it intended to provide holistic support for the family in an environment suitable for the needs of children, parents and the entire family. The project acknowledges the importance of sustained support for Armed Forces families and so plans to provide a long-term service for as long as its beneficiaries require support. It aims to build long-term relationships with Armed Forces families based on trust, integrity and openness. The project intends to provide tailored counselling sessions for Armed Forces families both virtually and in groups (COVID-19 permitting). Subjects covered will include healthy relationships, life skills, emotion regulation, managing anxiety and depression, and positive living sessions including family activities (such as cooking sessions) and therapeutic activities for Veterans and their partners. Forward Assist has noted that it has conducted an extensive consultation to understand the needs of Armed Forces families in order to develop support that is tailored to their specific needs. At the conclusion of the project, Forward Assist will conduct an evaluation that will look at the effects on the Veterans and their families via anonymous questionnaires and one-to-one sessions in order to examine and assess the impact of the project.



MST Support Group For UK Women Veterans

Team Salute Her has developed a confidential specialist support group for women veterans with lived experience of Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

The virtual support group will provide a safe place for emotional healing.

The Group starts at 18.00hrs on 28th April 2021

If you would like to take part contact Paula Edwards, Salute Her Women Veterans Lead.

Email: paula@forward-assist.com

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Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep: for Stress or Trauma Affected Sleep 

Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, Team Forward Assist & Salute Her are delighted to partner with Charlie Morley to deliver virtual and weekend retreats especially for veterans with stress or trauma affected sleep patterns. Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep is a holistic approach, using scientifically verified mindfulness based techniques alongside breath & body-work practices, yoga nidra and lucid dreaming. The Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep protocol helps to reduce stress before bed and optimize sleep quality. Through online and in person workshops we will explore how to transform the harmful effects that stress and trauma can have on the third of our life that we spend asleep. 

Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep is based on a non-pathologizing approach to sleep & dreams supported by five core pillars: 

1. Sleep Awareness (learning how we sleep) 

2. Rest & Relax (Yoga Nidra & Hypnagogic Mindfulness) 

3. Transforming Nightmares 

4. Coherent Breathing (the Breath-Body-Mind approach) 

5. Lucid Dreaming 

From common work-related stress to the more serious effects of trauma, these virtual and in person workshops will teach you effective techniques to help you sleep better and wake up healthier. If you are interested in taking part please contact admin@forward-assist.com for more information.

Dates times and joining instructions will be provided in due course.


Life Enhancing Debate Training for UK Women Veterans

Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Trust we able to offer UK women veterans a unique opportunity to learn the art of British Parliamentary Debate. The course is perfect for absolute beginners and the first cohort are thoroughly enjoying the experience.

I went along to the ‘Salute Her’ debate night with some trepidation, but it was not what I expected. It was refreshing to have a well run, professional event, with support from a whole range of women ranging from some extremely impressive young women at a local Grammar school, to a range of women who spoke extremely well about the issues to be debated. It was only a hour long, very welcoming and this gave everyone a chance to speak up and have a go. It was a great confidence boost, especially for people who are nervous and are not used to speaking out. Thanks so much for organising it.“

The group meet once a week and the virtual classes run from 18.00-19.00hrs. All participants who complete the training will be invited to the House of Commons to enjoy a tour of the House of Commons & House of Lords. Sarah Atherton MP has kindly agreed to host the visit and hopefully the participants will be able to watch a debate in progress on the day of the visit. We are also hoping to organise a group debate in London to raise the profile of women veterans.

If you would like to join the next cohort of trainees please email your expression of interest to:

admin@forward-assist.com or leave a voicemail at 0191 250 4877

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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Salute Her Task Force Are Fundraising For A Statue Dedicated To UK Women Veterans

Forward Assist, fully support the Salute Her ‘Women Veterans Task Force’ who are raising funds to commission and erect a statue honouring all women veterans especially those that served in the UK Armed Forces since World War Two. The total cost will be in the region of 130K but we must first raise 2K to cover the cost of commissioning a sculptor and potential designs. Women Veterans are a hidden population in the UK and we hope this initiative will go a long way to recognise and celebrate their selfless service, sacrifice and contribution.

You can donate via this link: https://www.givey.com/forwardassistlimited

For more information contact Paula Edwards; Salute Her Project Lead on 0191 2504877


Free weekend workshops for any veteran who wants to learn how to relax deeply and sleep peacefully.

Forward Assist are delighted to be working in partnership with Charlie Morley, and over the course of 2021 we will be offering ‘Veteran specific’ workshops for anyone who wants to learn how to relax deeply and sleep peacefully.

In anticipation of the programmes to come ,Charlie is offering a free weekend course and In this practical weekend we’ll learn how to transform the harmful effects that stress and trauma can have on the third of our life that we spend asleep.
Using scientifically verified mindfulness based techniques alongside breath & body-work practices, yoga nidra and lucid dreaming the mindfulness of dream & sleep protocol helps to reduce stress before bed and optimize sleep quality.
Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep is based on a non-pathologizing approach to sleep & dreams supported by five core pillars:
1. Sleep Awareness (learning how we sleep)
2. Rest & Relax (Yoga Nidra & Hypnagogic Mindfulness)
3. Transforming Nightmares
4. Coherent Breathing (the Breath-Body-Mind approach)
5. Lucid Dreaming
From common work-related stress to the more serious effects of trauma, this weekend workshop will teach you effective techniques to help you sleep better and wake up healthier.

Places are limited so if you are a veteran, sign up soon to book a free place:


Forward Assist CEO Gives Evidence At Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill.

Forward Assist were honoured to be invited to speak at the Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill today. On the panel were Emma Norton from the Centre for Military Justice and Dame Vera Baird Victims Commissioner, who praised the work of Forward Assist and Salute Her and their joint efforts to support those veterans struggling to come to terms with the long term impact of military sexual trauma during service life. Our 2019 ethnographic research paper ‘No Man’s Land’ highlighted a significant number of women veterans for whom the military justice system had neither resolved or offered any closure in relation to bullying, harassment, sexual assault or rape. Tony made the point that the victims welfare needs to be at the centre of any military investigation and the reputation of the military should be secondary both during and after that judicial process ended.

You can watch the event by following the link below;


You can read our written evidence here:



Women Veterans Are Invisible!

Check out CEO Tony Wright’s article on UK Women Veterans in the Wavell Rooms https://wavellroom.com/

On return to civilian life, women report that they feel that their service does not matter and their contribution and sacrifice is not recognised by society. These issues are further exacerbated for women from minority groups such as the BAME and LGBTQ+ communities. Many report feeling overlooked, abandoned and discriminated against when not wearing uniform. We feel that we all have a collective responsibility to embrace, understand and promote diversity, especially intersectionality and women veteran narratives.

Read the full article here: Women Veterans are Invisible » Wavell Room

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Independent Legal Advice For Veterans

Last year we trialled a confidential virtual Legal Advice Clinic with https://www.boltburdonkemp.co.uk/

Feed back from those that took part was very positive. Over the course of 2021 we will be organising a series of legal advice clinics where you can decide on the best way forward for you.

The service is free, independent, confidential and impartial and gives you the opportunity to discuss your rights on subject matters such as #PTSD, #Harassment and service complaints. We would like to thank Ahmed Al-Nahhas for providing these pro-bono legal advice sessions, author of ‘A Practical Guide to Military Claims (Law Briefing Publishing 2019).



Forward Assist & Salute Her Provide Written & Oral Evidence At The Inaugural Women In Defence Inquiry

Patron Sarah Atherton MP argues that women make a vital and valued contribution to our Armed Forces and to our country. However, serious challenges remain. Female personnel are more likely to make complaints, more likely to report mental health difficulties and more likely to be subject to sexual assaults. Sarah states that, we need to understand the scale, nature and root of the challenges that female personnel face. Only then can we begin to address the incidence in which the services have failed female serving personnel and identify the solutions.

Her hope is that this inquiry will provide servicewomen and veterans, who have too often struggled to get their voices heard, with a platform to discuss their experiences frankly, freely and without fear of repercussions. There is worrying data to suggest a disparity in the experiences of women and men both during and after leaving the Armed Forces that demands serious examination. Neglecting to do so is a disservice to those prepared to lay down their lives for our safety and protection.

Our Forces are stronger, richer and more capable when they are diverse and inclusive. A robust Armed Forces includes personnel from all walks of life, with different experiences and fresh perspectives. This is not only the right thing to do but contributes directly to operational effectiveness. We need the right person for the right role, and it is in no one’s interest to discourage women from joining and remaining in the Armed Forces.

The Committee will look at:

  • Whether the Government and MoD is doing enough to address any additional challenges

  • how easy it is to make a complaint, and identify what barriers there are to female personnel complaining

  • whether the experiences of female BAME personnel differ

  • why women chose to leave the Armed forces

  • whether ex-servicewomen face different challenges to men during their transition to civilian life

  • whether the needs of female veterans are currently met by the available services; and

  • the effect that the introduction of the Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Act (2010) has had

Other areas of interest that the Committee are keen to cover within the scope of the inquiry include issues around pensions, terms and conditions of employment, housing and general wellbeing.

As part of this inquiry, the Committee will be taking evidence from female service personnel about their experiences serving. Yesterday, Salute Her Women Veterans lead Paula Edwards was honoured to give oral evidence at the first sub committee hearing.

You can watch it here: https://t.co/pkZt9uO5F8

You can read our written evidence here: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/21078/pdf/

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The 2021 Forward Assist & Salute Her Lockdown Exit Road Map.

The Government Lockdown Exit Roadmap gives us all the opportunity to start thinking about the practicalities of a return to a new normal. For all intents and purposes this means a return to the physical workspace and for Forward assist this includes the reopening of Salute Cafe, The Veteran ‘Drop In’ , Archery, Model Making, Horticulture, Angling, Bee Keeping, Photography, Independent Living Skills, and the much needed Veteran Retreats. However, this all depends on the successful completion of four key government stages:

Until 16th May, the staff team will continue to work remotely at which point it is envisage both staff and volunteers will have received both C-19 vaccinations and testing kits may still be made to anyone accessing our services and activities. Essential business meetings and training may take place within the prescribed social distancing requirements. However, this will be at the discretion of the staff member and virtual options of participation will be made available as a matter of course.

From 17th May, we will explore the possibility of reopening Salute Cafe and getting the Salute Coffee Truck and coffee roaster back on the road. If this happens social distancing will be required and the rules of six will apply, with table service only being provided at Salute Cafe and one Barista in operation on the Coffee Truck. Training courses may go ahead but only if they operate within the recognised social distancing requirements as set out by Government.

 From 21st June, social distancing requirements are scheduled to end and a full return to the physical work environment will take place. 

Technical Difficulties Resolved

We are delighted to report that the technical difficulties that we have experienced over the last few months have now thankfully been resolved. You can now contact the team via our landline and via the Contact Page on our website. If you have been trying to get in touch recently and haven’t had a reply, please accept an unreserved apology and we look forward to returning to the real world when it is safe to do so. In the interim our digital support service is available to those registered with the charity. Stay Safe


Under The Radar ...

It is one of the strange anomalies of life that we know more about the moon than the lived experience of the UK’s women veterans as they transition from military service to civilian life. It is also remarkable, and a cause for concern, that the needs of women who served in our armed forces have been completely overlooked by parliamentarians, academics and service charities since the end of the second world war. Read More: https://fabians.org.uk/under-the-radar/

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Women Veterans ' Virtual Debate Training' Starts in March 2021

Thanks to funding from the Covenant Trust Fund we are, at last able to progress our Veterans British Parliamentary Debate Training Project. As such, we are delighted to partner with Parallel Histories https://www.parallelhistories.org.uk/ to deliver virtual debate training to women veterans in March 2021.

A team of eight women veterans will initially work with a group of students to learn the art of debate. During the course participants will gain an understanding of debating, confidence in public speaking, and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills that enhance their ability to structure and organise thoughts and arguments. By enhancing the learners' analytical, research and note-taking skills, the women will learn how to form balanced, informed arguments using reasoning and evidence. The participants will also be invited to visit the House of Commons & House of Lords to see debates taking place in both sides of the House when the current C-19 restrictions permit.

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